Our webshop is a place to sell tour merchandise of bands and other Smoeff related merchandise, equipment and memorabilia. Also some AllKidsShouldPlay merchandise and other thingies are sold.


Smoeff is a tour logistics company based in Ter Aar, close to Schiphol Airport, in the Netherlands. We rent gear, transportation, make merchandise, help find tour managers, drivers, sound engineers and anything else you may need while on the road!

All of our gear and transportation can be delivered anywhere in Europe.

We work together with bands, venues, booking agents, managements, tour managers, sound engineers, van rental companies, nightliner companies and music stores. We are your helping hand in international touring!

Smoeff promotes diversity and inclusion in all ways possible.


email: meetingsmoeff@gmail.com / weissgys@xs4all.nl 

website:  www.smoeff.nl

instagram: @smoeff_backline 

Who we are

Smoeff is the project of Gijs de Wit. Gijs has been involved in both sports and music his whole life.

Gijs has been a big fan of DIY, Independency, Small Is Beautiful, Diversity.

Gijs hates large companies and has trouble with all the models and protocols many institutions are stuck in!

Gijs is very old fashioned and not interested in being a big shot, but loves to develop any situation he is in up to the point where legal issues, business issues or health issues come at stake or become so annoying that he loses interest.

In sports he has been a competitor, a coach, a recreational explorer. He likes to try new things and if he finds a click to what he does will continue until physical weaknesses forces him to step back.

In music he has been a spectator, organiser and entrepreneur. Always in a small setting, two feet on the ground, doing what is needed in all situations to make things work, grow, without being taken over by bigger forces.

Gijs has been the one initiating Smoeff (music) and Allkidsshouldplay (circus, sports) over the past 35 years.


Allkidsshouldplay is an NGO in Holland that supports Upendo Na Amani, a local institution in Mambo, Tanzania dealing with circus, sports and education.

Allkidsshouldplay like to promote the idea that children in Mambo, Tanzania, despite the poor economic circumstances are not items to feel sorry for ("oh, those poor children from Africa"). If given the right tools children will be the same everywhere around the world. It is the machine of 'well-doing' and their media coverage that makes people have a complete wrong idea of the circumstances of how children grow up.

Upendo Na Amani has the aim to create better chances for children and youth in a remote mountainous area in Tanzania.

Upendo na Amani uses sports to create selfconfidence, selfawareness, fantasy/creativity, critical thinking, cooperation and happiness

Allkidsshouldplay believes in prevention rather than curing, as opposed to major institutions that always work in situations where things have always gone drastically wrong. Pictures of starving children generates more money than pictures of smiling and happy children who have been given chances before ending on the streets, sniffing glue, robbing, being homeless, futureless.

Allkidsshouldplay and Gijs posts pictures and movies on Instagram at @allkidsshouldplayupendonaamani to show a different look on children in Africa.


email: infoallkidsshouldplay@gmail.com

website: www.allkidsshouldplay.nl

Instagram: @allkidsshouldplayupendonaamani

Allkidsshouldplay accepts little donations at

Bank: IBAN: NL44 INGB 0009 0496 19 (BIC: INGBNL2A)

Paypal: allkidsshouldplay@gmail.com


We obviously support the help to streetkids in major cities as well, but many are already doing that. We like to promote the idea of helping kids before they reach the point they need that kind of help. We have often spoken to NGO's who help streetkids to see if we could send some kids to join their vocational training programs, but it was impossible as they only worked with street kids.

So for normal kids in a poor area where scholing is not possible there is only one solution, let them live on the street so they could be picked up by those NGO's.

99% of the kids in poor situations are not ending up on the street, but many of them need help as well. Yet all attention goes to the 1% that move away from home and not making it or having no family left and not making it. We think this is unbalanced!